T71 loses close game 74:80 in Fribourg

On Thursday evening, T71 Dudelange played the 5th game of the FIBA EuroCup competition. On the road in Switzerland (Fribourg), the team from Luxembourg lost 74:80.

T71 started the game with a 22:11 first quarter and led the game after 3 quarters but the hosts were able to turn it around in the final 10 minutes. Shalonda Winton (21 points), Nadia Mossong (19) and Faith Ehi Etute (13 points, 11 rebounds) scored in double digits.

All in all, Luxembourg’s champion showed a great game and played extremely well over long stretches, unfortunately the hosts made a strong final quarter (28:19).

game stats –> game stats Fribourg – T71

Picture: T71’s facebook page

All results of T71:
Namur – T71 60:72
T71 – Fribourg 84:94
SL Benfica – T71 84:69
T71 – Namur 52:89
Fribourg – T71 74:80

Upcoming game:
T71 – Benfica (December 15th)

Standings in group G:
1. Benfica (4:1) – 9 points
2. Fribourg (3:2) – 8 points
3. Namur (2:3) – 7 points
4. T71 (1:4) – 6 points

On Wednesday, Gréngewald lost in Belgium (Braine) –> Gréngewald loses 66:115 against Braine

Par FLBB , le 08/12/2022 à 22:06