T71-women start season 2021/22 with a victory

The women’s champion of the last season, T71 Dudelange, has started the new season with a victory. On Saturday, Dudelange was able to beat the Musel Pikes 73:65. Shalonda Winton led T71 with 20 points, Nadia Mossong added 17.

In their first game in the women’s LBBL, Wiltz grabbed a home win over Sparta, the final score was 74:70. Alison Lewis led her team with 31 points.

Meanwhile, Résidence Walfer was bale to start the season with a win against Etzella. In their 91:73 victory, the league’s top scorer of the past season, Amanda Cahill, put up 35 points and 17 rebounds, Kierra Anthony added 29 points.

On Friday, Contern beat Esch 71:61 while the final game of game-day 1 will be played on Sunday between Gréngewald and Amicale.

Par FLBB , le 25/09/2021 à 21:09
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