Thomas Grün has become a leader for team Luxembourg: „Coach Ken gave me confidence from the start »

Thomas Grün is co-captain of the men’s national team. The former youth player of AS Zolwer has taken the big step to play professional basketball abroad. Grün is a member of the Gladiators Trier, a club that also has luxembourgish fans and regular spectators from the Grand Duchy.

It has been a long way for Grün but now he is a main player in German’s second highest league. National team head coach Ken Diederich says about Thomas Grün that „he has been there from the start with me. He is our leader together with Alex and he plays on a high level every day in Trier. His strength is clearly that he is a great defender but he has also improved his shot. He works hard, wants to improve all the time and has gained a lot of experience over the years. He is a big reason why we succeeded as a national team over the last years. »

For Thomas Grün, the most important thing in the collaboration with Diederich was that he „gave me confidence and trusted me from the start, this goes back to the time with the U20 team. The role that I had under coach Ken gave me the opportunity to become a better player and leader and to take over more responsibility. Working together with Ken is a lot of fun as we both have the same vision in what direction the national team should head over the next years and therefore we are able to reach more and more with team Luxembourg. »

Other articles before the « bubble »
–> Clancy Rugg explains why he plays basketball in Luxembourg
–> Ken Diederich nominates 18-man roster to start training camp
–> On to the next “bubble”
–> Coaches` Timeout: the podcast (episode 1)

Par FLBB , le 05/02/2021 à 07:20