U14 BaWü Exchange 2021 (pictures)

After a year break due to Covid-19 pandemic, the traditional « BaWü » exchange was scheduled again from October 30th to November 2nd in Hosingen. Initially, our U14 teams were supposed to practice during the four days and compete in three games against their colleagues from Baden-Württemberg.

Unfortunately, both German teams had to leave after the first day due to a suspected Covid-19 case and the games were cancelled. There was obviously a strong disappointment among the players, but the two teams from Luxembourg tried to make the best out of the situation. Both teams used the practice sessions to work on individual skills and also learned to play together.

Off the court, the players participated in different teambuilding sessions and learned more about different aspects around basketball.

On the last day of the camp, both teams divided the 15 players in two teams to scrimmage against each other.

The conclusion from the players: “At first, it was a bit disappointing, as we were really looking forward to the games, especially because it would have been the first one for most of us with the FLBB team. But, we still had a good time together, we enjoyed the practices and team building activities and got to know each other better.”

We want to thank the Centre Ecologique Hosingen for the great hospitality, as well as the parents for their support!


U14 Men:
BRETTNER Charel, T71 Dudelange
GEISEN Tim Amicale Steinsel
KLOOS Tom, T71 Dudelange
KOUAMEDJOUO Noah, Basket Esch
LUX Justin, T71 Dudelange
MC LEOD Théo, Sparta Bertrange
MC SWAIN Mateo, Arantia Larochette
PAPANIKOLAOU Nikolaos, Sparta Bertrange
REUTER Jules, Amicale Steinsel
ROQUE DO AMARAL Nicolas, AB Contern
SCHLAMMES Geoffrey, Musel Pikes
URWALD Arno , Etzella Ettelbruck
WOLTER Noah , Etzella Ettelbruck
YOUSSEF ESSID Omar, Musel Pikes

Coaches: TOUSSAINT Christophe, STIRN Arnaud

U14 Women
ALLIAUME Joyc, AB Contern
ALLIAUME Lou, AB Contern
BASEGGIO Mina, T71 Dudelange
BURRIDGE Leisha, Gréngewald Hueschtert
CURRIDOR Hannah, T71 Dudelange
DIEDERICH Liz, Etzella Ettelbruck
ETUTE Joyce, T71 Dudelange
HEYNEN Aurélie, AB Contern
LISKA Tereza, Gréngewald Hueschtert
LOESCH Emilie , AS Soleuvre
MANTI Maé, Gréngewald Hueschtert
MUACHO Léa, Musel Pikes
STREEF Marie, Musel Pikes
TUZZE Ilaria, Basket Esch
WIES Dana, T71 Dudelange

Coaches: DZIURDZIA Mariusz, DIEDERICH Laure

Medical Staff: FAPRANZI Lina, WEBER Eve

Par FLBB , le 03/11/2021 à 19:35
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