U16 women exchange against Poland (results updated)

Our U16 women are currently having an exchange with Poland, the team arrived in Luxembourg on Thursday.

Here is the roster of our team:
Blasen Emma (T71)
Chaumont Laurie (Basket Esch)
Drui Marie (Amicale)
Etute Faith Ehi (T71)
Geelen Virgine (Amicale)
Leches Lesley (Gréngewald)
Lepage Post Lara (Amicale)
Lorusso Laura (Musel Pikes)
Mac Hansen Rejoice (Résidence)
Skrijelj Seila (T71)
Strasser Lynn (T71)
Van der Schilden Noée (Gréngewald)
Schroeder Mia (T71)

Coach: Mariusz Dziurdzia
Assistant: Laure Diederich

The first game was played on Friday, Luxembourg lost 43:69, the second game on Saturday ended with a 46:51 loss by our national team and the third game was lost 36:38.

Par FLBB , le 26/06/2021 à 12:40
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