Vujakovic, Raiders finish year 2020 with a win (game stats)

E Samschdeg den Owend huet d’Equippe vum Olivier Vujakovic, d’Tirol Raiders hiren leschten Match vir 2020 gespillt. Si hunn doheem géint Kos Celovec no engem staarken 3ten Véierel mat 90:76 gewonnen.

Den Olivier, deen « Serbian Hammer » vun den Kommentatoren genannt gouf wéi hien een geblockt huet, huet am Grousse Ganzen ee gudde Match gemaach. Hien hat 18 Punkten, 9 Rebounds an 5 Assists.

An der Tabell steet Tirol mat 5 Gewonnenen an 4 verluerenen Matcher do.

On Saturday-evening, the Tirol Raiders played their last game of the year 2020. At home against KOS Celovec, Tirol made a big run in the 3rd quarter and finally won 90:76.

Oliver Vujakovic, who was called « Serbian hammer » by the commentators during the game when he blocked a shot, had another good all around game. He finished the game with 18 points, 9 rebounds and 5 assists.

In the standings, Tirol has a record of 5 wins and 4 losses after 9 games.

game stats –> stats_Tirol_Vujakovic

Par FLBB , le 19/12/2020 à 19:45