Wednesday-recap: 2 spectacular game-winners (videos)

5 games were played in the men’s Total League on Wednesday-evening. The top game between Esch and Walferdange ended in a blo out victory for the hosts.

Basket Esch – Résidence 101:63
-Esch scored 23+ points in every quarter, Résidence’s high-scoring quarter was 17 points
– Jackson-Cartwright led Esch with 29 points, Rugg added a double-double (23/16) and Pit Biever added 19 points
– Résidence loses for the first time after 10 straight victories

Arantia – Heffingen 70:71
– Down by 2 points, Denell Stephens wins the game with a layup after a good pass by Max Schmit and the free-throw to finish the and-1-play (video –> Video-highlights: Denell Stephens wins derby against Larochette with last-second layup )

Contern – Sparta 105:79
– Unfortunately, there are no game stats available for this game

Amicale – Telstar 91:71
– Telstar had a good start but Amicale became stronger in the second half
– Tunstall had 31 points and 15 rebounds, he was the only professional player in this game
– Kerschen had 30 points and 17 rebounds for Hesperange, Wagner added 20/10

Racing – T71 77:79
– Muller hits the game-winner for T71 at the buzzer after an offensive rebound (video can be found here –> Video-highlights: Frank Muller wins game at the buzzer with spectacular fade-away!

On Thursday, Etzella will host the Musel Pikes to complete the game-day.

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Par FLBB , le 14/04/2021 à 21:52
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