Women’s JICL MVP race presented by LALUX

Together with our sponsor LALUX, we present the a new rubric on this website, the LALUX JICL MVP race for women players. Once every month, we take a look at the evolution of the best JICL players of the Total League in a ranking. The final winner of the award will be announced at the end of the season.

The women’s Total League will resume in February. While the first game of the season between the Musel Pikes and Etzella has been played on Saturday, a full game-day is scheduled for the 13th and 14th of February.


1. Cathy Schmit (Musel Pikes)

–> Cathy has led her team to a 5:0-record (only unbeaten team in the league) and has been spectacular as always. She leads all JICL players in scoring (15.2 points per game) and has 3.2 assists per game while using her unique skill set to organize the game of the Pikes.


2. Catherine Mreches (T71)

–> 20-year old Catherine Mreches has a great future ahead. She is already a key player in the Total League averaging 10 points and 4 assists per game. Her team has started the season with 3 wins and 1 loss.


3.Esmeralda Skrijelj (Amicale)

–> No JICL player in the Total League is close to being such a good rebounder as Esmeralda. She is averaging a double/double on the season so far with 10.5 points and an incredible 10.3 rebounds per game.


4.Lisy Hetting (Gréngewald)

–> Lisy is showing that doing sports on a high level while being a mother is possible. With 13 points per game, she is second in that category, she also has 2.3 assists per game. On top of that, she had a strong performance in Gréngewald’s Euro Cup game in Namur.


5.Cathrin Wolff (Etzella)

–> Cathrin has had a great start into the season. She is averaging 7 points and 6 rebounds for the defending champions from Ettelbruck.


The JICL MVP race will be updated monthly and the winner will be announced at the end of the season.

Par FLBB , le 08/02/2021 à 12:00