Year 2024 in review

The year 2024 is about to come to an end. Let’s take a look at the main highlights around basketball in Luxembourg.

Social engagement
During the year 2024, the FLBB was active to support social projects. In collaboration with the clubs, we published pictures of many games to support the breast cancer awareness month (pink October). Futhermore, a solidarity action was organized involving stuffed toys at the men’s national team game at the Coque in Kirchberg in November.

Her world her rules

The FLBB was also active in the project « HER WORLD HER RULES », a project that aims to reach out and motivate young girls to play Basketball.

Women’s national team
Without a doubt, the women’s national team has been the flagship of the year. Next to the historic ongoing FIBA campaign where the team currently has 3 victories in 4 games, the team was voted « team of the year » by the national Sportspress, a great accomplishment for the entire staff, all players and our federation. In 2024, the team was able to grab a 71:49 home victory over Montenegro in November and played in front a record crowd for women’s basketball a few days later against Switzerland.

Men’s national team
Luxembourg’s men’s national team realized a big surprise by beating Romania 76:72 on the road in February after an amazing comeback. The team won the final quarter 29:12. The rematch against Romania was played in front of a sold out crowd in November at the Coque in Kirchberg.

National competitions
The finals of the cup and championship competitions highlight the year in the national competitions. While Amicale Steinsel (men) and Gréngewald Hueschtert (women) were able to win the league championships, Résidence Walfer (men) and T71 Dudelange (women) won the cup titles in 2024. The cup finals were visited by 4300 people, one of the largest numbers in recent years.

Résidence Walfer – Basket Esch 51:42 (Minis)
Musel Pikes – Sparta Bertrange 50:35 (Fillettes)
T71 Dudelange – Sparta Bertrange 83:75 (Scolairs)
T71 Dudelange – Gréngewald Hueschtert 48:80 (Filles Scolaires)
T71 Dudelange – Sparta Bertrange 69:60 (Cadettes)
Arantia Larochette – Amicale Steinsel 88:95 (Cadets)

Youth competitions
During the summer of 2024, our U18 girls participated in the first ever division A European Championship by an FLBB team, an amazing experience for the players and team staff.

FLBB awards night
The second edition of the FLBB awards night was organized in 2024. Ehis Etute and Philippe Gutenkauf won the JICL MVP award for the second straight year, Max Logelin and Nicole Torresani won the U21 player of the year award while Gavin Love and Francois Manti were selected as coach of the years.

What awaits in 2025
In the national leagues, the year will start with the cup semi finals on January 18th and 19th. In February (6th/9th), the women’s national team will play two games on the road to finish the European Championship qualifiers. In Bosnia and Montenegro, Luxembourg has a historic chance to enter the 2025 European Championship. The men’s national team will play in Norway on February 20th to close the 2027 World Cup pre-qualifiers. Meanwhile, the games of the small European countries will be played in Andorra in May (26th until 31st). In the national championships, the cup final is scheduled for March 15th while the championship finals in the Enovos League will be played in April and May 2025.

Last but not least, we want to thank Chris Dentzer for his time at the FLBB and wish him best of luck for his future. Merci Chris 🙂

Par FLBB , le 26/12/2024 à 08:56
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